The Judge's bunker... it's time to end this.
Of course, if you look at my health there, you see that I forgot to sleep and heal myself before going here.
Anyway, I step inside and I'm met by four guards... armed with laser rifles and miniguns... Oh dear...
Luckily they decide to leave me alone, one of them telling me to step inside, the Judge is waiting for me.
Again... oh dear...
Now, usually I'd have tried to attack him straight away at this point, given me an edge in the fighting to make the first move, but I'm actually interested in what he has to say. I press F5 and quicksave.
He wants me to work for him, tells me he'll pay me 50.000 caps if I do, yadda yadda yadda. Really, I don't want to work for you, man!
And then he and his guards attack me.
I do manage to kill most of the guards... but then I die. Reload.
And I die. And die. And die. And- Okay! This battle is hard!
I take a different approach, trying to convince him to fight me one on one. I succeed, luckily, and he instantly kills all his guards using a remote. Then it's me against him...
This fight was much easier. I had to keep my distance, the axe he was wielding could do horrible damage, so using the Rising Sun at first wasn't an option. Instead, I pull out the Sweet Revenge revolver and shoot him in the head. Over and over again. Finally, his head being crippled, he bends down and holds it, stunned for a moment. That's when I pull out the Rising Sun and starts hacking away at him.
Finally he collapses on the floor... but he's not dead yet! I do a charge attack against him as h's trying to stand up... and his body disintegrates from the strike.
I've won.
I really enjoyed reading about this fight!